Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ava's first ballet class..

Here is Ava's first day of Ballet.. it was so cute. Girls this age are so fun to watch learning all the new fun things they can do. Ava looked so cute in her leotard and tights. She already has that ballerina body.. This one is with her friend Samantha.. Here she is all done with her class...

Here is she about to warm up...

And here is is skipping to her teacher... so cute

Jers first hairdo attempt....

So jeremy decided along time ago, that because I do hair, and I guess do it so well, that he has refused to do the girls hair. So if I am working, my girls have always gone around looking like ragamuffins because Jer refused to try. ( he also tried this excuse at cooking until he realized he might starve if he didnt learn when I was at work- u can only eat pb&j, and pizza so much!) So here is Jers first attempt at braids. Lets all give him Kudos for the great job! hopefully he will keep it up!!!

More Ava"isms"

I just have to document some more things that Ava has said.. I never want to forget..

We were watching So u think you can dance, and after one of the guys finished his dance, she turned to Jeremy and asked, " will you show me your moves?"
PEEDER BUDDER - peanut butter
ANNIE MC FEET- Nanny Ncphee the movie
NEDOWS- Noodles
TUM- come ( Will you tum back?)
WEEND AROUND DA WOSIES- Ring around the rosies