Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Ava's first ballet class..

Here is Ava's first day of Ballet.. it was so cute. Girls this age are so fun to watch learning all the new fun things they can do. Ava looked so cute in her leotard and tights. She already has that ballerina body.. This one is with her friend Samantha.. Here she is all done with her class...

Here is she about to warm up...

And here is is skipping to her teacher... so cute


T.A.T.I Crew said...

There is really something magical about a little girl dancing in full ballerina garb.

She is adorable.

BTW- I love what you have done to your blog. It looks great!

Unknown said...

Hi Amber!! Glad to see you on the blogs. Can I just say that you haven't changed a bit since high school? Well maybe a little more gorgeous, but still the same striking Amber.

When I get to Utah next you'll have to give me advice on my hair and makeup - I'm feeling frumpy lately - maybe it is because I still have 12 lbs of baby weight left and I've been home with the kids all summer. Who knows??

Keep in touch :)