Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The kids first day of school *sniff sniff*

And here is Dax's first day of his second year of preschool... He is kind of over the preschool thing, and really wants to be in kindergarten. He is so bright, he probably could be. His first day wasnt as emotional for me as Ryens, I guess because I have done this before, and its his second year. But it is crazy how fast the kids grow, and I only have Ava at home now. Next year I wont have any! weird.

So here is ryens first day of 1st grade. I seriously couldnt wait for school to start again, the kids were driving me almost completely mad.. then as I go to drop off ryen on her first day, and she barely has time to say goodbye, and runs off to the playground- tears drip down my face. What?? I cried? I was so excited for this day. Ryen could have cared less.. my social butterfly was off and spreading her wings. I didnt realize how hard it would be to have my first baby go to school all day long. So funny how that is. But Im glad she enjoys herself, and is confident enough to run onto the playground and play with the first person she sees. She is such a fun person, and its going to be so much fun seeing her grow and blossom.