China? Connecticut? Boston?

So where will it be?
So Jeremy has been thinking about his career lately.. and his conclusion is that he really needs to be in a global position with his company. He majored in Chinese for that reason, and now figures its time. So he has been in discussion with the "higher ups" and they are looking for a position as we speak. So, my dilemma is the inter um... We have been talking about possibly moving somewhere for the past 2 months and I just want to know ALREADY!!! I cant seem to stay focused on the NOW because i am wanting to know where we will be in six months. We could live in connecticut.. Boston...or even China. All very different places than little old Utah, but could be such an adventure. Im excited for the future, and where it could take us. But I hate not knowing!!!!! AAAHHHHH! Thats my vent for the day.
ooo fun! All of those places would be awesome, but I'm a big fan of the international adventures. Would it be mainland China? What a cool thing to be able to do, especially why your kids are still young.
Can I come visit?
Ok, tell Jer to call Tom. He has GREAT China stories...maybe it'll help decide where to go. :)
It would be fun to move and try something new. Of course my vote would be to stay in the US but anywhere would be great! We'll come visit too!
Uh, my vote is a resounding NO! No Boston, China or Conneticut.
I will miss you too much if you live far away. Besides who will cut my hair?
Don't make me beg. Can't you just stay in little ol' Utah?
Do you guys know if your moving yet? Boston and Conn. are manageable. But China? That is so far! I know Jer can speak Chinese but what about the rest of the family? I guess most Chinese speak English though. Brett lived in Boston while attending Harvard for a while. That's why out little boy is name Boston. He loves Boston! I can't wait to go there one day. So I guess we'll find out next week at Bunko where it will be! Rebecca
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